
Between The World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates is My Jane’s reading material today. She looked up at me while reading and asked, “What if the Trump people really are America and the rest of us have been fooling ourselves into thinking America is something better?”

My first thought was, ‘That can’t be possible.’

My second thought was, “I hope not.’

Now I am asking the question, ‘What is America?’

Is America a people who still celebrate the genocide of the Native population to claim the land?

Or is America a people who celebrate the humanity of every individual?

Is America a people who are proud of building the nation on the back of slaves stolen from their homes?

Or is America a people who want to destroy the system of racial hierarchy embedded in our founding?

Is America a people who advocate a white supremacy celebrated by Nazi’s and Confederate slave owners?

Or is America a people who strive for equal justice for all human beings.

Is America a people who push down the marginalized and stomp on the poor?

Or is America a people who recognize the truth that we are only as strong as the weakest in our midst?

Who are we?

See you next time.