
My Jane and I visited our family Augustwaterworldin Orlando during the month of August. One ‘must visit’ site for us was “The Pulse” nightclub, AugustPulse4 scene of a horrible mass shooting this summer. Standing in the midst of the memorials in front of the club I experienced a feeling much like ones I have felt before at sites where suicides had been completed. AugustPulse6AugustPulse5 AugustPulse2 The feeling I have is one of emptiness mixed with a melancholy ‘presence’ which whispers around the space. I have felt a similar ‘presence’ as I explore the battle field at Gettysburg.Gettysburg12

The message I ‘hear’ in these moments is, ‘Stop the hate, stop the blaming. Talk of love and compassion. Live accepting and respecting each other.’

My message to you is, guard the words coming out of your mouth. When you talk, do you lump whole groups of people together as ‘bad’? When you talk do you suggest violence toward those you consider enemies? If so, you are contributing to the hate and anger in our society. Do you support politicians who blame groups of people for problems in society? If so, you are contributing to the hate and anger in our society. Our words do mean something! I beg you to evaluate the words before they come out of your mouth as to their force for anger and hate or love and compassion. Do your words separate, or do your words unite? AugustPulse